Friday, May 7, 2010


When do the stories we tell become lies? When do the lies become so commonplace we accept them as true?

We look around us and see a world that we may or may not like. We tell stories to help make the world more palatable, if not more enjoyable.

Some will say they only want to see the truth, but what we see, what we perceive and what we remember are all three very fluid experiences.

A story becomes a lie when we prefer the story to the reality behind it, and in so doing hurt ourselves and those who simply wanted the story to make reality a little easier to deal with, not replace it completely.
A story isn't a lie as long as it brings some sort of life. Whether it's to teach or entertain, stories help us communicate and deal with life in constructive ways. But, if we tell a story to truly deceive or hurt others then it is simply a lie. No amount of excuses or explanations can change such lies back into stories.
I knew someone who told a story about their entire life. I saw the truth behind the story and did my best to show them that they didn't need to lie. But they chose the lie, I guess because the lie made them feel safe and in control of their life. Or maybe they were afraid the truth would hurt them more than the lie was hurting me.
People who lie in an attempt to keep a sense of control don't realize the opposite occurs. Lies lead to more lies and before long, their lives are controlled by the lies they tell. They lose control because they can no longer tell the truth even if they want to.
Creator's Word says it right "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free".

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff. I am always amazed each year at how much money North Americans will spend to continue to promote the lies of Christmas and Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Halloween, etc. Yet when we share with them the realities of living in North America as a people surrounded by settlers who basically support governments who have been, in the past, and still are today thieves, liars, killers of Indian people and children, etc. They would still rather believe the lies than search for the truth and use their finances to set the records straight.
